How do you choose a Big Bag emptying station?

How do you choose a Big Bag emptying station?

How do you choose a Big Bag emptying station?

Do you need a solution for emptying your flexible containers but don’t know which one to choose? An emptying station with a hopper and sleeve, check valve, diaphragm valve or seed valve? You can take the headache out of finding the emptying station best suited to your needs by considering a few vital questions !


What are the features of the flexible container you want to empty? You need to determine the measurements, working height of the loops, maximum working load and the diameter of the bag’s discharge chute.

What type of bulk product do you want to empty? It is important to determine the type of product and its particle size, density and temperature. Additionally, can the emptied product be in contact with the diaphragm valve? Can the product contained in the Big Bag get damaged during emptying (pressed, crushed during valve shutting)?

Do you want to handle the Big Bag by the frame (upper part) only or by the frame and the base?

What is the total height you have available for the emptying station?

What are the measurements of the container you are to place under the valve to collect the emptied product?

What type of emptying do you want? For example, for full emptying of a Big Bag containing a large particle size product (>6mm), the industrial slide gate valve is the best solution.

How do you want to control the flow? For example, if you require precise control of the flow rate of your bulk product, a diaphragm valve is ideal.

Do you want to be able to change Big Bags during emptying?

Will the valve be opened several times a day?

What is the planned cleaning frequency of the emptying station? How and with what products?

What handling equipment will you be using?  You need to specify the type of equipment (forklift, stacker, etc.) and the fork length.


For several years, ManuLine has specialised in the custom design of emptying stations for flexible containers. We can also offer a wide range of accessories and Big Bags to deliver you a turnkey solution.

Your answers will help our design office to assess your needs and, with your help, to define the emptying station best suited to your usage. Our team is on hand to support you with all your needs. Contact us today for a free no-obligation quotation.

ManuLine, the intra-logistics solution for optimum bulk handling.
